
NERFA Appearances

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Crowne Plaza Stamford, Stamford CT

Returning to NERFA in Stamford; I'll be hanging around the Lilfest rooms Helping Nancy Emrich, and the RISA room. Appearances at Guerilla Showcases :
Thurs 12:15 AM for :30 in More LilFest 2069
Friday afternoon 3:30 for :30 in LilFest 2068
Friday Night - RISA - 1.50- 2am in 2043
Fri Night - access Film - 12-12.30 ITR Bev Grant, Kim Moberg - 2105
Sat Afternoon 2:30 for :30 in LilFest 2068
Sat Night
11:45 for :15 in LilFest 2068
-12.30 -1 Access Film - ITR w CM Jones, Bernie Drury - 2105
1-1.30 -2043- Somerville Songwriter Showcase - 2043- ITR w Emily White and Terry Klein 1.30 for :15 in Trespass - 2063